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Stories We Are Made to Tell
It is easy to be discouraged by division in the United States, but we are called to have a bigger worldview.
테러리스트에게 130명이 사살된 이후 복수에 저항하는 러시아 복음주의자들
모스크바와 키예프가 ISIS 연계 단체의 소행이라고 주장하는 콘서트장 테러에 대해 비난이 오가는 가운데, 기독교 지도자들은 비난 대신 연민과 용서에 초점을 맞추고 있다.
Російські євангельські християни протистоять помсті, яка може стати наслідком загибелі понад 130 людей від рук терористів
У той час як Москва та Київ обмінюються інсинуаціями з приводу теракту в концертній залі, відповідальність за який узяла на себе філія ІДІЛ, християнські лідери закликають до співчуття та прощення, а не до звинувачень.
Российские евангельские христиане противостоят мести, которая может стать следствием гибели более 130 человек от рук террористов
В то время как Москва и Киев обмениваются инсинуациями по поводу теракта в концертном зале, ответственность за который взял на себя филиал ИГИЛ, христианские лидеры призывают к состраданию и прощению, а не к обвинениям.
Après l’attentat de Moscou, les évangéliques russes veulent résister à l’esprit de vengeance.
Moscou et Kiev sèment le doute à propos de la tuerie revendiquée par une branche de l’État islamique. Les responsables chrétiens mettent l’accent sur la compassion et le pardon.
After Terrorists Kill 130, Russian Evangelicals Resist Revenge
As Moscow and Kyiv trade insinuations over concert hall killing claimed by ISIS affiliate, Christian leaders focus on compassion and forgiveness instead of blame.
Church Attack Leaves Turkish Christians Troubled and Confused
Many believers were already avoiding fellowship after warning by ISIS, which claimed responsibility for the killing at a Catholic congregation in Istanbul.
Attaque terroriste contre une Église congolaise et appel au soutien des chrétiens
Dans un Congo en proie à de nombreux troubles, un groupe rattaché à l’État islamique frappe des chrétiens pentecôtistes dans la ville de Kasindi.
Terrorist Attack on Congolese Church Prompts Plea for Christian Advocacy
ISIS affiliate strikes Pentecostal baptismal service amid longstanding conflict in Central African region rich in natural resources.
A Requiem for the Disappearing Christians of Iraq, Syria, Egypt, and Gaza
Their plight moved a (mostly prayerless) war correspondent to prayer and mourning.
在埃尔比勒(Erbil)的基督徒终于可以管理自己的时候,迦勒底天主教(Chaldean Catholic)大主教巴沙尔·瓦尔达(ashar Warda)向CT解释了ISIS如何将基督徒从多个世纪以来二等公民的地位中解放出来。
在埃爾比勒(Erbil)的基督徒終於可以管理自己的時候,迦勒底天主教(Chaldean Catholic)大主教巴沙爾·瓦爾達(ashar Warda)向CT解釋了ISIS如何將基督徒從多個世紀以來二等公民的地位中解放出來。
Good News for Iraq’s Christians: More Autonomy, Less Dhimmitude
As Erbil Christians finally get to govern themselves, Chaldean Catholic archbishop Bashar Warda explains to CT how ISIS freed Christians from the centuries-old understanding that they are second-class citizens.
ISIS Mengeksekusi Pengusaha Kristen yang Diculik di Sinai, Mesir
ISIS Eksekusi Pengusaha Kristen yang Diculik di Sinai, Mesir Keluarga berkabung namun merayakan kemartiran kakek mereka yang membiayai satu-satunya gereja Koptik di kotanya, untuk membangun “rumah di surga.”
家人哀悼并庆祝一名科普特祖父的殉难,他资助了他所在城市的唯一一座教堂,建立一个 “天上的家”。
ISIS Executes Christian Businessman Kidnapped in Egypt’s Sinai
Family mourn yet celebrate martyrdom of Coptic grandfather who financed the only church in his city, so as to build “a home in heaven.”
At Mosul Church, Pope Asks Iraq’s Christians to Forgive ISIS and Rebuild
Francis’ personal visit to damaged churches in Nineveh Plains caps historic trip.
Iraq’s Struggling Christians Hope for Boost from Pope Francis Visit
Landmark trip will include Qaraqosh, where most families fled ISIS yet some are now trying to restore the Christian heartland of the Nineveh Plains.
Bethlehem Is More Than a Sentimental Backdrop to Christmas in the West
How Christians are celebrating the holiday in the town of Jesus’ birth—and across the broader Middle East.

Top Story May 19, 2024

The Miracle of the Ear
The Miracle of the Ear
Speech was not God’s only miracle at Pentecost. The Spirit also gave the gift of understanding, overcoming division and contempt.

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